Colour Tools


Coordinate colours with these tools

You don't need anymore than two colours for your site when you start out plus a few neutral colours. These tools will get you going.

Colorzilla for Chrome - this chrome extension will help you match colours when editing.

Paint.Net - change image colours, remove backgrounds.

Coolors - Find color schemes super fast, save them and the hex codes for easy access. One of my favourite tools! Colormind does something similar and also looks good.

Colorbook - great tool to give you usage guidelines for your chosen colour and also shows you how it will look on a website.

broken image

Color-Hex - to get shades of your favourite colours.

Color-Hexa - create a gradient between two colours. - Google for colours. Search for themes using word descriptions of what feeling you want to create. Great for colour inspiration.

Color Palettes - great site to get colour inspiration for your site. Click on the colour you want (blue, green, red, yellow, etc...) and it will show you loads of colour palettes with hi-res images depicting the mood for the theme.